A Well-Kept Treasure : Women and Mysticism

22,95 $
  • Essai de 114 pages
  • Format : 6 x 9 pouces
  • Environ 12 photographies couleur et 5 noir et blanc
  • Couverture couleur, reliure souple
  • ISBN 978-2-89634-495-6

Although mysticism encompasses all cultures and religions, it remains unknown to most. What is mysticism? It is defined as the intimate union of the soul with the Divine. In this exhibition catalogue, Marie-Hélène Naud presents fifteen mystical women from different cultures and eras, including Teresa of Avila, Yeshe Tsogyal, Mīrābāī, and Etty Hillesum. In order to make known mysticism and who these exceptional women are, she gathered extracts from their writings, their biographies, as well as a description of the artworks illustrating them.

The author will discuss some of the concepts and themes these women talk about in their poetry and testimonies. She will also highlight the particularities of their journey and their personality through the narration of their lives. Finally, she will briefly analyze the iconography of the artworks that represent them. In this book, art is used to highlight mysticism. Thus, poetry, painting, sculpture and references to music have been integrated into the exhibition for this purpose.

The author has identified five themes that are often found in the writings of mystical women in order to structure the exhibition and group the women together: death, abyss, union, love and intoxication. The reader will be able to follow these fifteen women and discover this fascinating journey of mysticism!


  • Naud, Marie-Hélène

    Marie-Hélène Naud détient une maîtrise en histoire de l’art de l’Université de Montréal et une attestation de 2e cycle en pédagogie de l’enseignement supérieur de l’Université du Québec à Montréal. Son mémoire Ozias Leduc et la décoration intérieure de l’église Saint-Romuald de Farnham (1905-1912) fut publié chez les Éditions GID en 2014. Elle a rédigé des articles publiés dans des revues d’histoire et donné des conférences sur l’art sacré québécois. Depuis plus d’une quinzaine d’années, elle étudie les écrits des mystiques provenant de différentes cultures. Elle a élaborée trois expositions muséales en tant que commissaire.

    Marie-Hélène Naud holds a master’s degree in art history from the Université de Montréal and a graduate certificate in advanced education pedagogy from the Université du Québec à Montréal. Her master’s thesis Ozias Leduc et la décoration intérieure de l’église Saint-Romuald de Farnham (1905–1912) was published in 2014 by the Éditions GID. She has written articles published in history journals and given lectures on Quebec sacred art. She has been studying the writings of mystics from different cultures for more than fifteen years. This exhibition is her third curatorial project.

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